I wish I could be classed
as a necessity.
- Aren't you gonna have your toast?
- No, no, I'll, uh--
I'll call you,
let you know how things are going.
Don't let him pay you off
in Purple Hearts.
Those professional soldiers
never have a dime.
I ought to know.
I was married to one.
Beg your pardon.
Are you Mrs. Manion?
- Hi.
- I'm Paul Biegler.
- I'm Laura.
- How do you do?
- This is Muff.
- Oh, Muff.
The jail's right here.
You're tall.
- Hello, Paulie!
- Hi, Sulo.
You wait here, Muffy.
- Good to see you, Paulie.
- How you feeling?
Fine. I guess you come
for the soldier boy.
Yeah. Do you think it'd be all right
if we talk in the sheriff s office?
Oh, sure, Paulie.
I'll bring him down.
Would you mind taking
your glasses off, Mrs. Manion?
Did Barney Quill do that to you?
Mm-hmm. More than that.
You should see. All over.
You can put them back on
if it's more comfortable for you.
This is Paulie Biegler.
This is the bucko, Paulie.
- Hello, there.
- Hi, Manny.
Hello, Laura.