Anatomy of a Murder

No, there were other people
playing too.

And what time did you leave the bar?
Oh, about 1 1 :00, I guess.
I left by the side door.
Muff was carrying the flashlight.

He carries it in his mouth.
He's so cute...

running along ahead
with the light shining.

- Was he sober?
- Muff? Of course he was sober.

Oh, you're joking now,
aren't you?

Yes, I'm joking.
Go on.

Well, Barney came from somewhere.
Not the door I left by.
And he said he was going my way
and he could drive me home.

He said the bears had been prowling
around, and I oughtn't to walk home.

The bears come out of the woods
at night to scavenge.

They're harmless enough,
aren't they?

Yeah, I suppose I wouldn't have been
afraid in the daylight...

but the dark isn't the same.
Yes, I know. I know.
Now, you got into Barney's car--

I got in and he drove
straight to the trailer park.

- He made overtures?
- No, nothing.

When we got to the trailer park,
the auto gate was closed.

Mr. Lemon closes it
about 1 1 :00 or a little after.

So I thanked Barney
and started to get out of the car...

but he said that there wasn't
any need for me to walk...

that he could drive me into the park
on another road.

I didn't know
there was another road, but...

he drove on before
I could say yes or no.

- Were you alarmed?
- No.

I'm not usually afraid of men.
And anyway, he hadn't touched me
or even said anything out of the way.

Well, doesn't a woman sort of
instinctively know...

when a fellow's on the make?
Oh, sure,
but that's only usual with me.

With men, I mean. Almost all men.
Ever since I was a kid.

You, for instance.
You're interested...

but there's no reason
to be afraid of you.

It was like that with Barney.
Well, Mrs. Manion, believe me,
I'm not in the least--

Call me Laura.
Laura, I'm only interested
in helping your husband. Nothing more.

I don't mean you'd try anything.
I just mean it's--
it's the way you look at me.

It would be very difficult
not to look at you.

Oh, the way I dress, you mean?
You don't like it?
