Anatomy of a Murder

Mary did it for me. She just finished
her decorators' course.

Smart girl. Very smart girl.
Look at this.

- A real, genuine Picasso print.
- That's very nice.

And here. Try this chair.
It sort of does things for you.

Sit right down.
Great, isn't it?
Good for the nerves, they say.

- How do you shut it off?
- Here.

Here we are. Feel better?
I feel all shook up.
Mitch, I just dropped in to tell you
I've got both feet in the Manion case.

- You're going to cop out, aren't you?
- No.

That's a mistake.
It's open and shut.

Well, maybe. We'll see.
Judge Maitland's still in the hospital.
Maybe you'd like to agree...

to a continuance
until he gets back.

If we go with the case now,
we'll have to try before...

some grab-bag judge they'll send in.
- Me, I'd rather have Maitland.
- So would I.

But that'd also mean my client
would lie around in jail...

for another two, three months
before the trial.

Now, if you'll drop the charge
down to manslaughter...

so I can get him out on bail,
we'll agree to a continuance.

You wouldn't do that
if you were still D.A.

I don't know. I might.
I might, since a big, fat
lie detector test on his wife...

is giving proof to the rape story.
- He'd have the jury with him.
- How did you know what the lie--

- I bit, didn't I?
- Yeah, you did.

Anyway, the result of a lie detector
test isn't admissible evidence.

- You can't use it.
- No, but it carries moral weight.

Mitch, I wouldn't sit
in that chair too much.

It could shake a fellow's brains loose.
I'll see you later.
He remembers you, Paul.
He likes you.

He likes the beer in my icebox.
What's the occasion today.
A buffalo hunt?

I bought these in Arizona
when we were stationed there.

Aren't they smart?
I think they're very smart.

Here, we can sit in my car.
Here you are.
Here you go, Muff.
