Anatomy of a Murder

Hi. Like the place all right?
I was just looking
at these pictures.

- That was Barney Quill, wasn't it?
- That's right. Barney Quill.

- I'm Paul Biegler. I'm--
- I know who you are.

I've seen you around Iron City.
You didn't tell me your name.
We don't open till 5:00.

That's all right.
I can wait.

I don't have the shakes yet.
You were on the job that night,
weren't you...

the night Barney Quill was killed.
Like the newspaper said,
I was present.

You were the fellow who stopped
Lt. Manion outside.

That's right.
He pointed the gun at me and said,
""You want some too, buster?""

And you said no,
because your name isn't buster.

- Wasn't anything funny about it.
- No, there wasn't. I'm sorry.

Where were you when Barney Quill
was killed, Mr. Paquette?

I gather you don't want
to talk about that night, huh?

That's right.
I don't want to talk about it.

You'll have to talk to me
about it in court. Why not now?

'Cause I don't have to now.
Reason enough, okay?

Boy, old Barney, he was kind of
a rugged character, wasn't he?

Ex-prizefighter, muscle man,
fancy with guns, and--

He paid his debts.
Ran a clean place.

- Me, I liked him.
- You run the place now?

No, I just work here.
Mary's running things.

Mary? Was that Barney's wife?
No, he didn't have a wife.
Mary was his manager.

Oh. All right.
I wonder who's gonna inherit the place?

- Mary, I guess.
- Mary again.

What's the matter with that?
You mean, what's the matter with Mary?
I don't know what's the matter with her.

Mary what?
Pilant. Mary Pilant.
She's in the back booth.
We don't talk about our customers here.

But if we did--
which we don't--
