Sometimes when Manny was sleeping
I'd come out here and just sit.
I had to get out of that trailer.
I couldn't stand being cooped up.
I'm-- I'm lonely, Paul.
I'm awful lonely.
I wouldn't have gone to that roadhouse
if it weren't for that, you know.
Maybe you were getting in
some good practice being lonely.
You mean you think maybe
Manny won't get off?
That'll be up to the jury,
and you can never tell about them.
If he didn't,
it'd be one way to end it.
No, I don't mean that.
I may think it sometimes,
but I don't really want it.
Hello, sweetie.
Did you miss me?
Of course you missed me.
You wanna come in, Paul?
You can if you want to,
you know.
No thank you, Laura.
I'm sorry I had to spoil your fun
over at that place.
Good night, Laura.
Good night.
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye.
The circuit court for the county
of Iron Cliffs is now in session.
You can be seated.
For those of you I haven't met,
my name is Weaver.