Anatomy of a Murder

I, Mitchell Lodwick, prosecuting
attorney, come into Iron Cliffs...

and give the court to understand
that one Clarence Madigan...

alias ""One-Shot"" Madigan,
alias ""Smoky"" Madigan...

did break and enter the dwelling house
of Casper Katz...

and did there commit the felony
of larceny on said premises.

Does Mr. Madigan have an attorney?
No. A man's gotta have money to ask
them fellas the time of day.

Mr. Madigan,
if you're impoverished...

it's my duty to appoint an attorney
on your behalf.

I wouldn't bother, Your Honor.
I stole the whisky.
I'm guilty as hell.

It was a full case of
expensive bourbon, Your Honor.

Did you sell this whisky?
No. I drank it.
- All of it?
- You bet,Judge.

Are you aware that it will be
necessary to punish you for this crime?

It was worth it.
Well, I'll accept your plea
of guilty, Mr. Madigan.

You'll be sentenced later.
You may now return to your place.

Thanks, Your Honor.
Case number two--
The People v, Frederick Manion,
The charge-- murder.
Paul Biegler for the defendant.
My formal appearance is already on file.

Which of these men
is your client, Mr. Biegler?

None of them.
Sheriff, will you produce
the prisoner?

Well, I-- I'm afraid
I can't do that, Your Honor.

Perhaps someone should explain.
I'm not clairvoyant.

The defendant is in Detroit
being examined by a psychiatrist.

Shouldn't the court
have been consulted...

before the defendant
was allowed to leave its jurisdiction?

Your Honor, we're dealing
with the army in this matter.

This is the only crack they would
give us at one of their psychiatrists.

The court was not present. It was urgent
we get the defendant to a psychiatrist.

What does the attorney for the people
say to this?

It was done with my knowledge.
I've always heard this Upper Pennisula
of our fair state was a queer place.

If it's customary here to allow a man
charged with first degree murder...

to wander about at will, I don't suppose
it behooves an outsider to point out...

that the law makes no provision
for such quaint liberalism.
