Oh, come now.
Mashers went out with whalebone corsets
and hairnets.
Did you ever hear
the expression ""wolf"?
Sure, I heard that.
It just slipped my mind.
Well, naturally, it would...
clanking around in there
with all those rusty old ""mashers.""
Have you ever known a man
you could call a wolf?
- I'm not sure.
- Was Barney Quill a wolf?
- I couldn't say.
- Or wouldn't?
- Objection.
- Sustained.
The question was answered.
He said he couldn't tell you.
Mr. Paquette, when Barney returned
from wherever he had gone...
- did he relieve you at the bar?
- Yes.
- And what did he say then?
- He said, ""I'll take over.""
When you came out from behind the bar,
where did you go?
I went over to the table
where the Pedersons were sitting.
Now you testified that you were
by the door when Lt. Manion came in.
Is that the reason you were by the door,
because the Pedersons' table was there?
And how long was it
before Lt. Manion came in?
I don't know exactly.
Maybe 30 minutes.
And you remained at
the Pedersons' table all that time?
- Yes, they're friends of mine.
- Is there a window beside that table?
- I think so.
- You think so.
How long have you worked
at the Thunder Bay Inn?
About six, seven years.
Does this window beside the table...
suddenly vanish and reappear and
come and go in a ghostly fashion?
It's there all the time.
While you were talking to your friends
there, did you look out of the window?
-I might have.
-Were you looking for something special?
No, I wasn't looking for anything.
Didn't Barney Quill tell you to go to
that window and look out for Lt. Manion?
Did he tell you to look out
for Lt. Manion?
He did not.
Barney was quite a marksmen,
wasn't he, with guns?
He won a lot of prizes.
Did he keep any guns
behind the bar?