Anatomy of a Murder

he shot Barney Quill after he learned
his wife had some trouble with Quill.

Were these the words Lt. Manion
used, ""some trouble""?

No, sir. Those were my words,
not his.

And was it your notion to come here
and use your own words?

No, sir.
And was the suggestion to call it
""some trouble""...

made by somebody here
in the courtroom?

Yes, sir.
Sergeant, would you tell the court
what words Lt. Manion actually used...

to describe the trouble
his wife had had.

We've been over this before.

This information would not be relevant
to any issues before the court.

This statement concerning some trouble
was brought out...

during the direct examination
of Sergeant Durgo.

Up to now, you've adroitly restricted
all testimony...

as far as Laura Manion's concerned.
All right, the cat's out of the bag.
It's fair game for me to chase it.

This is a sore point, Mr. Biegler,
and it's getting sorer.

I'd like to hear
from the prosecution.

Burden is on defense to prove temporary
insanity at the time of the shooting.

Now, if the reason for the alleged
insanity is important to this case...

then that is a matter
for a competent witness--

an expert on the subject
of the human mind.

What the defense is trying to do...
is introduce
some sensational material...

for the purposes of obscuring
the real issues.

How can the jury accurately estimate
the testimony being given here...

unless they first know the reason
behind this whole trial--

why Lt. Manion shot Barney Quill?
The prosecution would like to separate
the motive from the act.

That's like trying to take the core
from an apple without breaking the skin.

Now the core of our defense is that
the defendant's temporary insanity...

was triggered by the so-called trouble
with Quill.

And I beg the court--
I-- I beg the court
to let me cut into the apple.

Our objection still stands,
Your Honor.
