Anatomy of a Murder

- Who worked up the slides for you?
- Technician at the hospital.

Wouldn't it have been better...
to have these slides worked up by
a pathologist or expert in this field?

Yes, but the police
were in a hurry.

I happened to know this young fella
came on at 7:00 in the morning.

Wouldn't it have been especially better
to wait for the expert...

if the possible question of rape
hung on the result?

- It would have been.
- In the newspaper of August 1 6...

it was stated that you found
no evidence of rape, is that true?

It is not true.
I made no such statement.

But did you form an opinion as to
whether Mrs. Manion had been raped?

- No.
- Why didn't you form an opinion?

It's impossible to tell if a mature
married woman has been raped.

That's all.
Did you have an opinion about whether
she had any recent relations with a man?

Well, as far as no sperm
was present...

it didn't appear she had
a recent relation with a man.

- That's all.
-Just one more question, Doctor.

The fact that no evidence was present
in her body...

does not mean that
she was not raped, does it?

Do you know what constitutes rape
under the law?

Yes, sir.
Violation is sufficient for rape.
There need not be a completion.

- No further questions.
- The witness may step down.

The people recall Alphonse Paquette
to the stand.

Since counsel for the defense
has forced the question of rape...

it becomes necessary to take this
additional testimony from Mr. Paquette.

You're still under oath, Mr. Paquette.
Mr. Paquette...
would you take a look at Mrs. Manion
seated there behind the defense table.

Was she dressed in this manner
the night of the shooting?

- No.
- How was she dressed?

She had on a real tight skirt and
sweater kind of thing, sort of glued on.

She was wearing red shoes
with high heels.

- Was she wearing hose?
- No, she was bare-legged.

- Was she wearing a hat?
- No.

What kind of hair does Mrs. Manion
have under that hat?

We'd be very happy to show the court
Mrs. Manion's hair.

Mrs. Manion, would you
take off your hat, please?
