Anatomy of a Murder

and a little self-discipline
on the part of counsel...

perhaps we can reach an end
by Saturday night.

Will you adjourn court?
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye.
This court stands adjourned
until 9:00 tomorrow morning.

He's banged up a little, but there
doesn't seem to be anything else.

We'd like to watch him
for a day or so.

How much damage did he do?
Wrecked a gate and a barn door.
He hasn't got a driver's license.
He'll have to appear
in theJ.P. court when he's able...

the old fool.
Speak kindly of the dead.
Mind if I have a minute
with the corpse?

Now, was it worth trying
to kill yourself...

for whatever it is
you've been up to?

How is the trial going?
I'm making a lot of noise
and Dancer's racking up all the points.

But come on.
Where have you been?

Quill hired Mary Pilant up north
of Sault St. Marie.

Struck me funny he'd go all the way up
there to hire somebody to work for him.

I've been up there nosing around.
Did you find anything useful?
Not until I looked up
her birth certificate.

Born Blind River, Ontario, 1 934...
out of wedlock.
Mother was a waitress,
Simone Pilant.
