Father was a lumberjack
named Barney Quill.
- I'd like to see Miss Mary Pilant.
- It's late, mister.
I know. This is important.
- Real important?
- Real important.
- Yes?
- Miss Pilant, sorry if I woke you.
There's a guy to see you.
Says it's real important.
- What's your--
- Paul Biegler.
- I don't wish to see him,
- Okay.
She said it's not important enough.
Call her back and tell her I mentioned
Blind River, Ontario.
I'll be in the bar.
Good evening, Alphonse.
Drinking or just snooping?
I think I'll try a little of both.
What do you say we start with a beer.
On the house.
And that's all you get-- a beer.
No questions, no answers.
I'm just a lawyer
trying to do my job.
What are you so afraid of?
Let's sit over there, please.
Miss Pilant, I owe you an apology.
I was rough when I was here before.
I didn't know Barney Quill
was your father.
You didn't come here
just to apologize.
No, but the apology was part of it.
To tell you the truth, I was hoping
it would thaw you out a little bit.
All I want you to do is listen to me,
just for a few minutes.
I need some strong evidence to back up
Laura Manion's story about the rape.
The prosecution's gonna attack
that story pretty hard.