to killing other men.
I simply want to determine
how conditioned the lieutenant may be...
to the use of firearms
on other human beings.
I don't like the question, Mr. Biegler,
but I don't see how I can exclude it.
Let him answer.
I know I killed
at least four men in Korea--
three with a hand grenade...
and one with my service automatic.
I may have killed others.
A soldier doesn't always know.
Now, Lieutenant,
in these acts of killing...
did you ever have a lapse of memory such
as you had when you killed Barney Quill?
- No, sir.
- Did you ever have one during battle?
- No, sir.
- Were you ever submitted...
to a constant barrage,
constantly in a sweat for many hours...
- constantly under attack or attacking?
- Many times.
Were you ever treated for shell shock,
battle fatigue, neuroses or psychoses?
- No, sir.
- Did you ever experience...
any unusual mental state
during the war?
Well, I do remember having
one great urge.
- What was that?
- To get the hell out and go home.
You would do well to consider
the seriousness...
of the situation you're in.
- I'm sorry, Your Honor.
- I sympathize with the lieutenant.
I expect he has the same feeling
about getting out of jail.
But the main point here
is that at no time...
during your war service did you have
a record of mental disturbance.
You were always in complete possession
of your faculties.
Yes, sir. That's right.
- No more questions.
- No redirect, Your Honor.
Step down, please.
Call your next witness.
We call Laura Manion
to the stand.
- Up these stairs and to the right.
- Thanks.
How long after you told
your husband what had happened...
did he leave the trailer?
I don't know exactly.
Everything was kind of fuzzy.
I was faint,
and I laid down on the bed.
He sat beside me.
I vaguely remember
his getting up and going out.