a little dog played on this night...
I should like a few minutes to show
the court this remarkable little animal.
Do the people object?
I'm sure that if we raise
an objection, Your Honor...
Mr. Biegler will declare that we are
haters of all small, furry animals.
A creature that cannot talk
will be a welcome relief.
Bring in the dog.
Thank you, sir. Will the deputy
bring in the dog, please?
You can put him right there.
Hey, Muff!. Come on!
That's a boy.
And now I'll ask Mrs. Manion
to bring a flashlight for the dog.
I'll ask the court to notice
that the dog turned on the light.
It's easy to see that Muff doesn't know
who his enemies are.
- Remove the dog, please.
- Yes, sir.
- The witness will resume the stand.
- There we go, Muff.
May I congratulate you
on your well trained pet.
May I also say I'm pleased to see
you're not today...
hiding your lovely hair
under a hat.
Your Honor, is the assistant attorney
general from Lansing pitching woo...
- or is he going to cross-examine?
- Let's get on with it.
Mrs. Manion, what was your occupation
before you were married?
- Housewife.
- Then you've been married before?
- Yes, once.
- I suppose your first husband died?
Did you divorce your first husband
to marry Lt. Manion?
Your Honor, if counsel wants
to know the grounds...
for Mrs. Manion's divorce,
let him ask that question.
What were the grounds
for divorce?