You're on the stand this afternoon.
Doctor, have you formed an opinion
as to Frederick Manion's...
mental and emotional state
at the time he killed Barney Quill?
- I have.
- And what is that opinion?
He was temporarily insane
at the time of the shooting.
At the time of the shooting,
do you believe he was able...
to distinguish right from wrong?
He may or may not have been.
It doesn't make too much difference.
Now, Doctor,
as clearly as you can...
will you explain
Frederick Manion's temporary insanity?
It is known as dissociative reaction...
a psychic shock which creates...
an almost overwhelming tension...
which the person in shock
must alleviate.
In Lt. Manion's case, a soldier...
it is only natural
that he would turn to action.
Only direct, simple action...
against Barney Quill would relieve
this unbearable tension.
This is not too uncommon. For example,
in combat, some of the more...
remarkable heroics take place
in this state of mind.
Is there another name for dissociative
reaction that we might recognize?
Yes, it has been known
as irresistible impulse.
Now, Doctor, a man in the grip
of irresistible impulse...
would he be likely to go
to his neighbor for advice...
or call up the police
to come to his aid?
- Completely incompatible.
- Yes, but our man...
was able to think of going
and taking out a gun...
and loading it before setting out
to find Quill.
That's his conscious mind working, but
he'd go even if a gun wasn't available.
How would a man look
in the grip of dissociative reaction?
He might appear to be deadly calm,
fiercely deliberate.
Would you describe his behavior...
as being like a mailman
delivering the mail?
That's not bad. Like a mailman, he would
have a job to do, and he would do it.
- Your witness.
- Doctor...
did you find any psychosis
in Frederick Manion?
- I did not.
- Any neuroses?
I found no history of neuroses.
Any history of delusion?
- None.
- Loss of memory?
- Not before this instance.
- Did you find any history--