- Do you know more details?
- He entered today in San Vittorio...
...he was accompanied by Colonel Müller
He wasn't searched
He is in the five pavilion,
in the ground floor, cell number 39
- Are you sure it's him?
- Yes, and the Germans know it too
- How did they recognised him?
- They were waiting for him
And they have spies
This isn't strange, ten months
ago they were our allies
- Theirs
- Yes, but that doesn't change the situation
We should try to release him
during the move from Genoa to Milan
But we run the risk of him being killed
It's essential to
come into contact with him
It won't be easy, the guards we knew
have been transferred
But we have to come into
contact with him at any price
Why is Fabrizio so late?
From the station to here
there are 10 minutes, 15 maximum
He won't have found a vehicle to come
Ana Maria was waiting for him in the
station with a bike
- We won't have been able to go out from Cernobbio
- He would have told us
- It's late
- That is Ana Maria
Ana Maria is here
- And Fabrizio?
- They have caught him
- Where?
- Near Piazza Castello
We were netted. He tried to get away
but the bike get hooked and he fell