The fascists put him
in a truck with other poor men
- Have they caught many of them?
- About eighty. Three trucks
- Do you know where they have been taken?
- No
I followed the trucks and saw a bag
falling from Fabrizio's truck
Nobody else saw it
- I caught it and came here
- Well done
They will be in Cantore
Quarter. They usually take them there
What a pair hard blows! First the
General and now Fabrizio
But they were waiting for the General, they
have caught Fabrizio by chance, they don't know him
He could be sent to a work camp
it won't be difficult to release him
Maybe they set him free tonight,
he has all the documents in order
Anyway, we must
be prepared for the worst
First we have to find out where is
he and then keep guard on the quarter
- Who leads Mantello square?
- Virgilio
He's a good boy, but tell him not
to be imprudent. Come on
Go you ahead