What I want is to see my husband
once more, even if it is just a moment
Believe me, I'm very sorry for not
being able to consent to your request but...
...it isn't allowed to talk to a prisoner
while the proceedings are being carried out
I don't want to talk to him, I just
want seeing him for a moment
Countess, I understand you very well
and I want to prove it to you
You'll see your husband and
you will talk to him...
...but before, let me invite you
to reflect...
The General has been arrested
under a very serious accusation...
...he's calm, he behaves as
soldier he is, I assure it to you
And do you know what gives
him strength, courage, serenity?
Not only the feeling of
having done his duty...
...but also the idea that his
family is in a safe place
Do you really think that seeing you
for a moment behind the bars...
...seeing you anguished, exposed to
many dangers, can comfort him...
...or that it will have a negative
effect in his morale?
I'm talking to you as a friend,
I hold the General in high esteem...
...and I regret that the destiny put
us in opposite sides
Renounce this meeting that would
affect the General deeply
Let him think that you are safe,
together with his dear children
You can write him a letter. I'll tell him
that His Eminence gave it to me...