Generale della Rovere, Il

- They have killed the federal of Milan
- My God, what will happen to us?

They have killed the federal of Milan
They have killed the federal of Milan
- Comrade Gaetano da Costa
- It's me

We need to carry out a searching
quarter by quarter

Don't forget that Milan is working
city, Excellency...

...the searchings and deportations
will disturb the production rhythm

We can't tolerate that our men
are victims of ambush

The partisan war is a reality and
the reprisals harden it

According to you, we should stay here
waiting to be killed one by one

When they are German soldiers
you think in a very different way

Maybe we don't think
I've just informed the high command
of the Southwest front...

...the high command of the Wermacht
and the Fürer's headquarter

I'm waiting for orders
