It's unbelievable! Incredible!
What's the matter?
It's outrageous.
Chandra has had
the models removed.
No doubt so
they won't be damaged.
What do you mean?
Mr. Asagara,
may I ask you something?
If I can answer you.
You must understand...
Do you really believe my
brother's gone tiger hunting?
If I were to say
I don't believe it
I would be accusing
my Prince of lying.
Couldn't you find out
something for us?
Who was with him?
When did he leave?
Where did he go?
Please, won't you help us?
I will try, Mrs. Rhode.
I hope Mr. Berger is well.
I think it's safe,
but we'd better wait till dawn.
What are you doing?
I'm hungry, we've not eaten.
You can't eat that.
Shiva has accepted
my offerings.
She would be angry with us.
Seetha, Shiva does not
have the power to help us.
She sent us the spider.
Harald, leave me my gods.
They are good gods.
I'll get water.
Stay here.