Able Fox Niner Six on May Day Channel 1.
Calling May Day Homer.
This is Able Fox Niner Six. Over.
May Day Homer to Able Fox Niner Six.
Just a moment, sir. Gen. Stone?
- It's Maj. Jay, on Number Six.
- Then he got through all right?
Yes. Maj. Jay, Dr. Lamont,
Prof. Penner and his daughter.
Maj. Jay, listen carefully, all of you.
A worldwide state
of extreme emergency exists.
The federal government
has been evacuated from Washington.
Total military and scientific mobilization
has been ordered.
Attempts to negotiate with the invaders
have proven hopeless.
Continuing efforts by the military
to destroy the invaders have failed.
Hold on, General, be right with you.
Remote Geiger counter
shows high radioactivity outside.
All of you,
turn off those white switches, quick.
We're all right now.
Those switches
hermetically seal the bunker.
Make it bombproof,
safe from almost anything.
But why the high radioactivity outside?
We'd hear, or at least feel,
any nuclear explosion...
close enough to give a reading like that.
The radioactivity isn't constant.
It goes up and down.
Cyclic pulsation?
Doesn't make any sense at all.
As if the wind were blowing radioactivity in,
then out, then in?
Or a line of something
going past one at a time.
- We better take a look.
- Look?