Dr. Penner, can you make up
a large amount of this spray?
- We might.
- All right.
We're gonna have to move fast now,
after what's happened.
Have any of you wondered
why I wasn't killed by that invader?
You said the invader
was frightened by the spray.
That's right.
The spray was more important than I was.
He probably went back to his spaceship...
to report we were getting close
to something that might bother them.
Now they'll double their forces
to find our bunker and knock it out.
It will also mean the entire area
around here will be filled with them.
That's why only two of us will leave.
Phyllis and Dr. Penner will stay here.
If we're not back,
there'll be someone left to keep working.
- There's only one radiation suit.
- That's all we need.
You'll stay in the cab of the truck.
It's protected.
As you say.
All right, let's get busy on the spray.
I'll explain what I have in mind.
Knowing the invader's spaceship
must be in the area...
Maj. Jay chose a likely spot to set
his trap for catching one of the enemy.
Okay, this looks like the spot.
They're around here, but not too close.
Remember, don't get out of the truck.
I understand.
Major, there's one thing you haven't said.
You're actually making yourself the bait
in a trap to catch one of the creatures.
Know a better way to go fishing?
No, I don't.
All right, stay with that Geiger counter.
In case I get company,
signal with that horn, and fast.
One long, one short.