They arrived in Marshalltown
Friday afternoon at 4:00...
Homer, it's not my fault.
It's the railroad's fault.
They let them lay there dying till Monday,
that's what they did.
Will you sign it, Homer?
Can't they see what it says here?
"Notify consignee immediately."
It's not fair.
Janey, Harry Foster Malone proved that
two days after he took over this railroad.
I heard he was going to put bleachers
in the freight cars...
and use them for commuter trains.
Now, that ain't a man to talk to
about what's fair and what ain't fair.
Homer, I'm not gonna talk.
- What'll it be today, Janey?
- Nothing, Aaron.
Uncle Otis, tell me
what you think of this thing, will you?
"Mr. Claude Fullerton, Editor,
High River Gazette, High River, Maine.
"Dear Mr. Fullerton, as a Democratic
candidate for first selectman in Cape Anne...
"I'm asking for the endorsement
of your newspaper in the..."
I'm reading a letter to you.
Will you listen to me?
- I heard it. It's the same as last year's letter.
- It's not the same as last year's.
"The issues demand..." What's the matter?
- The E&P murdered my lobsters.
- They're murdered?
They're down at the station. Dead.
- All 300 of them.
- Wait a minute...
- They lay in the tubs like they were coffins.
- Wait a minute. How?
Those lobsters arrived in Marshalltown
Friday afternoon...
and the E&P
just let them sit there till Monday.
- But that's impossible.
- Anything's possible with the E&P.
- My first order. George, I need that money.
- Well, you're gonna get the money.
- Tyres for the car, clothes for the kids...
- Calm down and listen to me.
You'll get the money
because you're right. Do you hear me?