that a newly-born baby
weighs more heavily with a jury...
than those crustaceans
your client is involved with.
Will you excuse us for one moment?
I think you should take the money.
Did you hear what he said? They're big-time
lawyers. They got nothing to do...
but go to court.
That's why they're paid. Take the money.
George, why can't you...
Gentlemen, I will not take the money.
I'm sorry, George.
- Harris, are you licensed in this state?
- Yes, sir.
Good, I'm taking the Limited
back to New York.
Mrs. Osgood, I'm terribly sorry
we could not settle this matter amicably.
Good evening.
Good evening. See you in court.
There goes $700.
- You said you wouldn't take this.
- I know what I said.
I know what you said.
- Want some coffee?
- No, because I've got to go up to High River.
- Patience Parsons promised to letter...
- Parsons what?
- Promised to letter some posters for me.
- She can do it tomorrow.
I just sent $700 out of this house...
and I'm not about to drink coffee by myself.
- You coming?
- Yes, I'm coming. One cup.
You of all people
telling me to accept that offer.
Me of all people. It's the sworn duty
of counsel to advise his client, isn't it?
I advised you to take the money because
the E&P is a very tough outfit to lick...
but that doesn't categorically make me
a spy for Harry Foster Malone.
George, I understand that.
I just don't understand
why you don't understand.
It's the principle involved.
I'm right, they are wrong.
I only want what is due me. That's all.
Janey, let me tell you something.
The distance between the right...
Distance between the right and the practical
is a continuing shame to the human race.
- Are you listening?
- Yes, I am.
The E&P is an outfit involving
millions of dollars and thousands of people.
You are an enterprise involving four people.