to penetrate
the unknown.
We know less
about our earth
than about the stars
and outer space.
The greatest mystery
is right here under our feet.
And now, if you'll
excuse me, gentlemen.
I must speak
with you.
I have no time
for words.
You must
take time, sir.
This is urgent.
Not for me.
I have to
go to Iceland.
I'm going with you.
To the center
of the earth.
All Iceland
must be aware
that the Scots
have arrived.
I wish Jenny
could hear me.
Homesick already?
It's painful
to leave your fiancée
on the first day
of your engagement.
But to come back
as a world famous scientist,
that's not
to be sneezed at.
Did you expect
a fight of stairs
with a red carpet?
I neglected
to tell you
I have a nervous fear
of heights.
You'll get over that
after the first
million fathoms or so.
Million fathoms.
He's been here!