Last Train from Gun Hill

- Charlie!
- Yeah?

- Get Doc Rainey, huh? Where's Skag?
- He couldn't make it back.

Why don't he have sense and quit?
He don't stand a chance in hell.

Rushing him don't do no good.
- Where are the other men?
- Over at the Horseshoe.

No, you wait. Soon they'll be stampeding
in here to get liquored up.

Killing, blood, a good gunfight,
makes them thirsty.

You'd think they'd be buying already.
Two men dead.

- Three. You're forgetting Skag.
- That wasn't a man.

But Matt Morgan. You've got to admire
somebody with that much guts.

You look kind of lonesome, missy.
Not since I was 12 years old.
Like to buy you a little drink.
Later, missy, later.
- Hey, you think Morgan'll really make it?
- No. I wish he would, though.

- I'd love to see Craig's face.
- Yeah.

I'll tell you,
if Morgan does manage to get the kid
out of here, it could really hurt Craig.

Probably the only thing that would.
- Where are you going?
- My room.

What? In the Harper House?
The hotel where this Morgan's holed up?
You going in there?

- Why not? I live there.
- She's just pulling your leg.

She may walk in that lobby,
but not up them stairs.

- You know you're not going in there.
- Would you like to put money on it?
