Last Train from Gun Hill

I got $100 that says I not only go up, but
walk into Morgan's room and talk to him.

- I'll take half that bet.
- How about you, big mouth?

Well, of all the stubborn women,
you take the cake. All right.

- Who'll hold the bet?
- Put it in the cash register.

Why didn't you come back to the ranch?
- So you could beat me up again?
- What did you expect after all I heard?

Rick told you those things. Rick hates
me. He always has and you know it.

When he tells you lies about me,
why believe him?

Why couldn't you just once believe me?
- 'Cause he's my son.
- What am I? Nothing?

- You know better than that.
- It's not gonna be that way any more.

- What are you talking about?
- Ten days I lay in that hospital.

Every day I swore that we were through.
I was through with this town and you.

But you came back.
You told me something once.
You said you'd marry me.

- Will you marry me?
- We can't discuss that now.

- You know how Rick feels...
- Rick! Rick!

- I've got my answer.
- Where are you going?

The hotel. To get a job,
I have to dress the part.

You ain't going back to work.
You don't leave me till I say.

- You'll do nothing until this is over.
- All right, but just until this is over.
