"because of an unexpected twist.
"The day after I arrived,
I met an adversary worthy of myself.
"She embodies faithfulness,
modesty, and purity.
"Virtue, actually.
"Her name is Marianne.
"She's married to a young civil servant...
"who's now attending a conference abroad.
"She's originally Danish.
"Her accent, slips of the tongue,
and simplicity have enchanted me.
"Winter sports facilitate acquaintances.
"I also met the rest of her family...
"her husband's aunt...
"and Marianne's daughter, Caroline.
"Emotions work miracles.
"For the first time, I looked at a child...
"with a parent's eye...
"envying the real father.
"Their budget is modest.
"They're staying in a little mountain house.
"I launched an immediate attack."
- Mrs. Tourvel? These are for you.
- Thank you.