I'll succeed, I promise you.
I don't believe it anymore.
There's no reason for you
to doubt me.
I know my abilities, don't I?
You'll have a real face.
I promise you.
They've removed all the mirrors.
But I can see
my reflection in the glass
when the windows are open.
There are lots of shiny surfaces...
a knife blade,
varnished wood...
My face frightens me.
My mask frightens me even more.
Have faith, Christiane.
Look at me.
Didn't he succeed with me?
But you had a face.
Damaged, maybe,
but not destroyed like mine.
He's lying to me,
because he knows it was his fault.
His fault?
It was a car wreck.
It was an accident.
Accident? He has to control everyone,
even on the road!
He drove like a lunatic.
The crash nearly killed me.
Why did he try so hard to save me?
I wish I were blind.
Or dead.