Never So Few

We'll drink ourselves
into a tortured hunger.

Darling! Oh, darling!
Well, what's happened to you?
You've changed.

Yeah, but you haven't.
Like to bent me double.

And where have you been? Everybody acted
as though you're top-secret or something.

Margaret, this is Danny.
He speaks English like he hates it.

- Margaret Fitch.
- What pumpkin did you pop out of?

- The Empress Hotel.
- You see?

Just like good old Corporal
Thank-You-Sir Ringa stated.

Would you think me terribly jay if I were
to ask just what you're doing in the war?

I'd rather tell you what I do.
I'm working on military secrets.

I'm looking for a beautiful spy
to sell them to.

Do you number
a beautiful spy among your friends?

We'll find you a girl, Danny.
As a matter of fact, if it weren't for Tom
and this and that...

:21:55'd have me completely enslaved.
I think it's the monocle.
- I think it's very chic.
- Oh, it's smashing.

Well, I have an injured eye, through which
I take a rather jaundiced view of the world.

- Margaret, don't ask him how he keeps it in.
- How do you keep it in?

Well, the problem is getting it out.
You see, it can't even be dislodged
by a severe blow. Shall we demonstrate?

- Let's not play that game.
- Come on, Thomas old man.

One blow for the edification of the lady.
Remarkable, isn't it?
