An investigating team
from headquarters, CBI.
They're panting to chew you up.
I only hope I don't have to use them.
I've just seen 34 American GI's with their
heads blown off by Chinese troops.
And I wanna know why.
This is sickening.
Doesn't it strike you, Tom, that your actions
were, to say the least, unprecedented?
Doesn't it strike you that we're fighting
a rather unprecedented kind of war?
Isn't that right, general?
Well, it has its bad moments.
But in the long run...
I don't give a damn about the long run
if it adds up to this.
You can't deny what's been going on.
What will continue unless
something's done about it.
I know I'm right about this.
And if you don't know it, I pity you.
Colonel Reed, Captain Alofson.
Proceed, doctor.
No, not while you're in the room,