Kaji seemed a bit upset
Going to remain just friends forever?
You had the spunk to come to work
out here. Throw yourself at him!
l did
He rejected you?
No. 12 and No. 13, stop that chatter!
l'll report you!
Supervision of Colonial Labor
What are you trying to say?
That men should be treated as men!
In colonial territories it
lt's difficult?
l know
We profit by exploiting Chinese
labor... wasn't that the idea?
Doesn't that conflict with your theory?
That's true
Mind if l smoke?
What do you think?
Without the contradiction my theory
isn't needed
In other words, you feel it's possible
to improve work records... is that it?
A possibility. By the way, l want you
to take over at the Loh Hu Liong mines
Any objections to being sent off
into the hinterlands?
l'm not forcing you
You've analysed the situation
quite well... on paper
Would you want it to end up on paper?
Of course not