l read your report... the one about
supervision of labor
Filled with fancy words...
Oh, madam... please!
Men here don't go for fancy talk.
You'll have little in common
Thanks for your advice
Sorry! Your own fancy talk sounds
so out of place
Very well written! Reaching the pith
of the matter
Yes! Reaching but not quite grasping
lf l knew, l'd write a book!
l'll take your wife. Go see the boss
Say, Furuya... show him the way!
l know this is nothing new, sir
but our first shift requires 2,500 men
Only 1,500 turned up this morning
We're at war, Okazaki! We must expect
such shortages
You can't produce unless
all conditions are perfect?
l didn't mean that, but Labor
must help us
Kaji... reporting for work, sir!
You're Kaji?
l'll introduce you
2nd Pit Supervisor, Mr Higuchi
This is Mr. Kaji... sent by
Head Office as Labor Supervisor
You're just in time. Please, sit down