We're discussing our labor shortage
Any good ideas?
l d like to talk to Okishima first
and find how many men are available
lf their labor conditions are improved
all the men will report for work
Yes and in more concrete form?
Our employment system
must be changed
The labor boss must be replaced
by a direct employment system
You agree Kawashima?
And why so?
Because your name was Kaji?
You should know better!
We have some 200 labor groups here
How many have no rake-off system
or don't cheat on food rations?
I doubt if such a group exists
But our problem is how to raise
our work attendance rate
Laborers lose the desire to work
Regardless of how things are basically,
laborers aren't what you make
them out to be in theory
Once they earn more than they need,
A difference in opinion. Such methods
never gain results
But, Kaji, the theory may be correct
and yet not apply in reality
Then... either the theory is wrong
or the application is incorrect
Be that as it may. Try it your way
l respect revolutionary ideas