From Loh Hu Liong?
Are you in charge?
What's your name?
Yes... Kaji! l never forget a name
Never forget that these men
are prisoners of war
To deal with them you must be
military men at heart
Civilian negligence will not be tolerated!
We understand
You don't understand Kaji!
You think your seven men can handle
600 prisoners? What if they escape?
We received no special instructions
l assumed this meant
no special danger
You're quite a bold one!
How old are you?
l am 28
You're married?
May l have the key?
You're a stubborn one!
l like 'em that way
You'll witness the transfer?
Don't be ridiculous!
l'm on official leave
You seem to feel that the army
can make mistakes. Don't worry!
When the army says 604... it's 604!
l don't care if they all die
but they must not escape!
Dirty scum!