Ningen no joken I

And l'm sure you've no objections
regarding my methods

Do as you think best!
The goal must be achieved

Understand? Lash them on
with still greater fury

Any Chinaman who shirks may be killed
Push them! Whip them!
We need that extra 20% !

Men who top their quota
will be amply rewarded

Remember! We're at war here... at war!
Anyone here feel he can't do this?
Good! Give 'em everything you have
l'll assume all responsibility
Starting tomorrow, you will go to work
Rations will be kaoliang and bean-lees
The same as ordinary laborers
You don't smoke?
l did formerly
You stopped?
When we run out of tobacco, we suffer
l can't believe Japanese will
keep us supplied

Now that we've revived you,
you would bear a grudge?

We were not fighting men
We have the right to demand release
l haven't the authority to free you
Master... when we be free?
We all not soldier. We no fight!
Japan soldier come...
make bad all Chinese woman...

Take away all man... bring here
