Yes, isn't it?
No place to sleep.
I have a large drawing-room all to myself.
That doesn't seem quite fair.
Drawing-room E.
Car 3901 .
Such a nice number.
It's easy to remember.
3901 .
No luggage.
You wouldn't happen to have
an extra pair of pajamas, would you?
Wouldn't l?
I wouldn't order any dessert if I were you.
I get the message.
That isn't exactly what I meant.
The train seems to be making
an unscheduled stop.
I saw two men get out of a police car
as we pulled into the station.
They weren't smiling.
You better go out
and tell those police to hurry.
Patience is a virtue.
So is breathing.
Just lie still.
Have you got any olive oil?
Olive oil?
I want to be packed in olive oil
if I'm going to be a sardine.
Come in.
-Who are you?
-State Police.
Your name please?
Eve Kendall. Is anything wrong?
There was a man at your table tonight
in the dining car.
Friend of yours?
I never saw him before.
Is this the man?
Yes, I think so.
It's not a very clear picture.
It's a wire-photo.
We just got it from the New York police.