- Segura?
- The Red Vulture himself.
- Did he buy anything?
- He said he'd see me later.
Well, leave him to Lopez.
He can get along without you,
like my patients can get along without me.
People have to get ill.
They don't have to buy vacuum cleaners.
But you charge more.
And get 20% for myself.
You can't save much on that.
- This is not an age for saving, Mr. Wormold.
- I must, for Milly.
- Couldn't her mother help out?
- I don't know where she is.
Give me another daiquiri.
I've no money on me.
- I could manage a small loan.
- It's not that.
It's just that I don't want Milly
to grow up in an atmosphere like this.
Civil war, men like Segura.
I want a whole different life for her.
A finishing school in Switzerland,
a house in Kensington...
and an Anglo-Saxon husband
with 2,000 pounds a year and no mistress.
My worry is a long-term worry.
Then it's not worth calling a worry.
We live in an atomic age.
Press a button. Poof! Bang!
She's been shopping again.
Girls grow up early in the tropics,
even in a convent school.
The teach her things I don't understand.
They've even given her an American accent.
Sometimes when I'm with her,
I feel like a foreigner.
Don't you ever worry about anything?
- I am interested in life.
- So am I.
No. You are interested in a person,
not in life.
But people die or leave us.
I am interested in scientific living things.
Now, I have an experiment which has to do
with the blueness of cheese...
which can be important
and which will never die.
Do you remember the day when she set fire
to Thomas Earl Parkman Jr...
and they had to push him in the fountain
to put him out?
She was only 13 then.
She grew up so quickly.
Sometimes I wish
she'd set fire to someone again.
She will.
And I don't mean in that way.