No wires?
My name's Hawthorne.
You will come to know me better as 59200.
I'm in charge of the Caribbean network.
- It sounds like the Secret Service.
- So the novelists call it.
Why have you picked on me?
Patriotic Englishman. Volunteered in 1939.
We have to have our man in Havana.
Recruit sub-agents, keep an eye on things.
Submarines need fuel.
Atomic submarines don't.
Quite right,
but wars start a little behind the times.
We also need economic intelligence.
- Sugar, coffee, tobacco.
- It's all in the government yearbooks.
Oh, we never rely on them.
Someone's coming.
Mustn't be seen together.
- But we have been seen together.
- Don't argue. I know the ropes.
- Can I come out now?
- Give me time to get away.
That was a policeman from the bar.
May be a bit suspicious.
He might have recognised my legs
under the door.
Do you think we ought to change trousers?
Wouldn't look natural, old man.
Still, you're getting the idea.
Come and see me at 10:00 tonight.
Room 506, Capri Hotel.
Sign Official Secrets Act, all that rubbish.
You don't really think I'll come?
$150 a month and expenses, old man.