Can't be too careful.
I've brought you back your umbrella.
Sorry I'm late.
- You've moved the Lamb.
- I was just looking around.
You seem fond of Lamb's
Tales from Shakespeare.
- One copy's for you.
- But I don't read Lamb.
It's not meant for reading.
You never heard of a book code?
- As a matter of fact, no.
- I keep one copy.
All you do when you communicate with me,
is to indicate the page and the line...
where you begin the coding.
You understand?
Well, I'll explain in a minute.
It's rather complicated and not very secure.
- You got an electric kettle?
- Yes. Why?
For opening letters, of course.
And plastic knitting needles.
You'll want those.
- I've brought you some ink.
- I have plenty of ink.
Secret ink.
For communicating with your agents.
- Well, I haven't any agents.
- Your first job is to recruit some.
If you run short of ink,
you can always use bird droppings.
Your code number is 59200l5.
I, of course, am 59200.
You will number your sub-agents 59200l5l1
and so on.
Do you get the idea?
I don't see how I can
possibly be of any use to you.
- You refuse to serve your country?
- I didn't say that. It's just that...
Well, the vacuum cleaners
take up a lot of time.
It's an excellent cover.
- Your profession has quite a natural air.
- It is natural.
Now, if you don't mind,
we'll get down to our Lamb.
This code is damned hard to break
without knowing the name of the book.
Why did you choose Lamb?
It's the only book I could find here
in duplicate except Uncle Tom's Cabin.
I was in a hurry and had to get something.
Mr. Wormold, please attend.
Now, think of a message you might be
sending to me, and we'll put it into code.
Received your esteemed order
of the 23rd inst.
Really, Wormold,
you'll have to do better than that.