How goes the experiment, Hasselbacher?
- Is the cheese still blue?
- I dream all goes well.
Reality in our century
is not something to be faced.
You've never felt the need for money.
But then you have no child.
Soon, my dear Mr. Wormold,
you will have no child, either.
The other day,
I was offered money to get information.
What sort of information?
Secret information.
You are a very lucky man, Mr. Wormold.
That sort of information
is always easy to give.
If it is secret enough, you alone know it.
All you need is a little imagination.
Have you never read advertisements
of secret remedies?
A hair tonic confided by the dying chief
of a Red Indian tribe?
There's something about a secret
that makes people believe.
But they want me to recruit agents.
How does one recruit an agent?
You invent them, too, Mr. Wormold.
- Have you ever heard of a book code?
- Don't tell me too much.
Do you think I should invent
and take their money?
They have no money except what they take
in taxes from men like you and me.
As long as you invent, you do no harm.
- And they don't deserve the truth.
- They?
Kingdoms, republics, principalities, powers.
Today at the country club,
I made contact with a Mr. Cifuentes...
an engineer who has wide knowledge
of harbour installations...
and all naval activities.
He will be expensive to recruit,
but should prove most useful.
my approaches were observed...