You know what these fellows are like.
They criticise points of detail.
You can't expect an agent to memorise
everything at a moment of danger.
- Hawthorne. Good flight?
- A bit bumpy over the Azores, sir.
I've been seeing the Prime Minister.
Our man in Havana's done a good job.
He deserves a bonus.
Those drawings have already cost a lot.
- Stroke Five gave a great deal for them.
- I never mind paying for results.
Take another look at them.
Do you know what the Prime Minister said
when I showed him copies?
What's that odd flower you're wearing?
It might have been an orchid once.
- Pan American gave it with dinner last night.
- What an odd thing to do.
What did the Prime Minister say, sir?
He said some of these drawings
reminded him of a gigantic vacuum cleaner.
I'm no scientist,
but this thing looks pretty big.
Makes you shiver, doesn't it?
It's not that, sir.
It was 92 degrees in Jamaica yesterday.
Your blood's getting thin.
It couldn't be a vacuum cleaner, sir.
Not a vacuum cleaner.
Fiendish, isn't it? The simplicity.
The devilish imagination.
See this one here?
Like a gigantic spray
six times the height of a man.
Why the umbrella?
Do look at essentials, Hawthorne.
Gentlemen, I think
we may be onto something so big...
that the H-bomb
will become a conventional weapon.
- Is that desirable, sir?
- Of course.
Nobody worries
about conventional weapons.
- The War House will want photographs, sir.
- They shall have them.
It's a very difficult area, sir.
I can't see how this new man, Montez,
got the drawings in the first place.
Government planes patrol all that area,
spotting for rebels.
Maybe I should go to Havana first
and talk to Stroke Five?
Bad security.
We can't risk compromising him now.
He's an untrained man, sir.
Then we should consider
sending him a trained staff.
You know, Hawthorne,
we owe a great deal of this to you.