Our Man in Havana

- I didn't mean...
- Then I'm sorry.

Ask Mr. Wormold. There was a time
when I was not so suspicious.

I suppose
you want to report that to London?

- Well, it is an odd coincidence, isn't it?
- Life is full of coincidences.

Why shouldn't he read Lamb?
He's a good old man.

I've known him for 15 years.
The best friend I ever had.

Will you please excuse me?
I do not feel well.

Perhaps you will come some other evening?
- Can I help?
- You? No, you cannot help.

A doctor is always supposed
to get used to death.

But I am not a good doctor.
Who has died? A patient?
It was an accident. Just an accident.
A car crashed.
There are always accidents everywhere,
aren't there?

It must have been an accident.
He was a pilot.
They always make reckless drivers.

Was his name Montez?
Yes, that was his name.
