- Father, I don't like unhappy endings.
- Milly, please.
Why have him killed?
I was just getting fond of him.
You don't want me here, do you?
Either of you.
All right.
Did Milly know him?
- In a way.
- She sounded so heartless.
No, that's just her way of talking.
We must warn our other agents.
Don't be silly. I mean, it was an accident.
Hasselbacher said so.
You don't believe that, do you?
They're getting tough.
- Who are "they"?
- The other side, whoever they are.
Spying is a dangerous profession.
I wonder why they let
you and me get back here safely.
Perhaps they're using us as bait.
Of course, if the bait's no good,
you throw it away.
Excuse me, sir.
There's a man in the gutter outside.
Thank you.
You again!
Who the devil are you?
Trouble, seƱor?
I was walking peacefully along the sea front
when I was attacked.
- He ought to be in hospital.
- Why should I be in a hospital?
And who is this man?
They go and throw me on his doorstep
like a parcel.
- You don't know this man?
- I don't want to know him.
But he keeps on cropping up.
Perhaps you'd like to explain
at police headquarters?
With pleasure.
He was very convincing, wasn't he?
To think there was a moment when
I doubted whether you had any agents.
- I wonder why they did that.
- It looks as if I'm dangerous to work for.
- We'd better get to the others. Teresa first.
- No, I'll go alone.
I know it's not exactly fun at the Shanghai.