Pillow Talk

Brad, my boy,
you haven't got a chance.

The minute you say who you are,
you are buck-dead.

But maybe
you don't have to tell her.

Are you all right?
- I don't feel so good.

Can we sit this one out?
- Of course. - Thank you.

I should be getting home.
Get up. Tony.
Excuse me, ma'am.
I reckon it got
a might too close for your partner.

Oh, yes.
Could you ask a few waiters to help
get him outside? - Why shucks.

No need to call anybody else.
Why, boy, up-si-daisies.
I can't tell you how embarrassing
this is, Mr... - Stetson.

Rex Stetson.
No call to be embarrassed.

I'm afraid he's had too much to drink.
- We have a saying in Texas, ma'am:

never drink anything
stronger than you are. Or older.

Your coat, ma'am.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
I reckon we bring your boyfriend home.
- He's not my boyfriend.

His mother is a client of mine.
- A client? You a lawyer?

No, I'm an interior decorator.
He was taking me home
and insisted on a drink.

He wasn't trying to force
his attentions upon you?
