Pillow Talk

if there's anything you need
and I can help, my number is Plaza 2

- 2-2-7

I'll remember that. Bye.
- Bye.

I'd say 5 or 6 days ought to do it.
It's so nice to meet a man
you feel you can trust.

He respected you.
He didn't even try to kiss you.

Maybe you just don't appeal to him.
He didn't write your number down.
Why didn't you think to ask
where he was staying?

- Ma'am, this is Rex Stetson.

Hello. - I hope
I didn't wake you up.

Not at all. - I just had to think
about your generous offer and all,

to call you
in case I needed something.

I need to go out for dinner tomorrow
and I would enjoy seeing
a friendly face across the table.

But if you're busy tomorrow...
No, I always keep tomorrow open.
I mean, I hadn't planned a thing.

I'd love to have dinner with you.
Hello, is anybody on this line?
- Yes, I am. Would you get off it?

Alright, but it's my half-hour.
Rex, are you there?
- Yes, ma'am. Who was that?

A horrible man on my line.
- He isn't very well-mannered.

He isn't even worth talking about.

What were you saying?
I'll stop by about 7:30.
- Alright. That'll be fine.

Miss Morrow?
I never could make
fancy speeches, but...
