- Morning, Miss Morrow. This is Rex.
Good morning, Rex.
- You done did a terrible thing to me.
You made me glad I ain't in Texas.
Have I?
Every time I look at you, I say:
we got all kinds of natural resources
back home, we ain't got that.
Oh Rex.
- Tell you something else, too.
I hated New York when I first came.
All those people
seemed so distant and all.
Don't feel that way now.
- That's good.
It sure turned out
to be a friendly town.
You'll find that most people
will try to meet you halfway.
If you let them.
- Will I see you tonight?
I'd love to, Rex,
but I already have a date tonight.
Who with? - A client.
You don't know him. Jonathon Forbes.
You ain't the kind of gal
who'd break a date.
No, I'm not.
And I ain't the kind of guy
that'd ask you to.
I know that. - I'll pick you up at 8.
- I'll be ready.
What a day.
Good morning, Alma.
Isn't it a beautiful day?
You can't go by me. Haven't seen it.
Okay, I'll take your word for it.
He must be pretty special
if you'd break a date for him.
He is.
What's he like?
He's six-foot-six,
handsome, intelligent,
owns a mountain.
- Don't just stand there.