Man, i feel like a packhorse
in all this gear.
- This bulletproof corset.
- Brother, you learn to love it.
- Fine way to spend my birthday.
- Many happy returns of the day.
- Yeah, congratulations.
- Thanks.
(close explosions)
- Battalion, Colonel Davis.
- Yes, sir.
Hello, Blue, this is King.
Put your six on. Over.
Colonel Davis, sir.
Sir, request fires be lifted. Over.
Yes, sir. Out.
No Chink fire yet. No Chink fire yet.
No, not yet.
(Chinese voice over PA)
Good evening. King Company, isn't it?
Nice to meet you, King Company.
Come on, come on.
You're coming to visit us
in our new home.
Care to hear what happened to
the previous tenants, Easy Company?
There were 96 men in Easy Company.
Now, as near as we can tell,
31 are dead, 34 wounded, 22 captured
and nine unaccounted for.
A company wiped out for a political whim.
To please chair-bound politicians sitting
fat and smug thousands of miles away.
Men of King Company,
you must know that this isn't your fiight.