- Here we go again.
- Sir! Sir!
Look, there, comin through the wire.
Looks like Love Company, sir.
- Do i give Battalion the good news?
- Not yet.
- Marshall, Love Company.
- Where in the hell have you been?
- We haven't been pickin' daisies.
- You left my flank wide open.
Who's responsible? Where's Crittenden?
He's in command, isn't he?
He was, and then Bechtel,
and now it's me.
You'd better be damn glad
we got here at all.
Where's the rest of them?
What rest?
How many left?
There were 42 in my platoon alone
when we started.
Now there's 12 men left
out of the whole company.
Put your men to work.
Now you can notify Battalion.