Well, how was it? Rough?
Oh, not too bad. Lost six men
coming up here from the chow bunker.
Isn't that a great situation?
Not too bad when you lose only six men.
How's it been going up here?
The men have done everything
l've asked them to do.
Not sure l've asked them
to do the right thing at the right time.
"Tsugi" scares me.
Always means something's coming.
Have some raisins.
OK, i'm bribed.
We're getting noplace. Every one
of these trenches is a separate dogfight.
As long as the Reds hold the crest
of the hill, they're in charge.
We have to take that high ground.
And we have to do it in one jump.
The old 'over the top' stuff?
- With who?
- The third platoon.
The others are too exhausted.
Right outta the Stone Age.
Where's all this push-button warfare
we've been hearin' about?
We're the push buttons.
Lieutenant Waldorfs a little too green
to lead a bayonet charge.
And anyway, it is my old platoon.
You know, my ancestors were
pretty good at this banzai business.
What do you know?
A real live volunteer.
I never volunteer.
Let's just say... i accept your kind offer.
We'll try to make it a coordinated attack.
While you go over the crest of the hill,
I'll push through the trenches
with every man I can find.