Return of the Fly

Very impressive, Martin.
People, may I have your attention?
I've grown tired of your
trivial influence.

Another outburst and I'll be forced
to make an example of you.

You've outdone yourself.
But what else does it do?
Keep still, Martin. Stop fidgeting.
Is Mr. Bartok gonna visit today?
You know how busy he is.
He has that project in zone four.

Oh, yeah.
Can I go visit him?
- Of course not, you're not allowed.
- Why?

Because you don't have
zone four clearance.

How much longer do I have
to take these shots for?

As long as you would like to live.
Why don't I have clearance?
Because you're only a zone three
project. You're fidgeting.

It's normal behavior.
I read it in a book for mothers.
Want to see?

No, thank you.
Now, sit still or Mr. Bartok
will be very disappointed in you.
